I am joining in with a new blog hop (new to me, I mean) this week.
It's called Reasons To Be Cheerful. It speaks for itself, really.
Do take a look at the other blogs in the linky, and the reasons for their writers' cheerfulness this week.
I'd like to add that MummyFromTheHeart, who runs this linky, is one of the voices of the ONE Campaign. Inspirational.
So here we go, my reasons to be cheerful this week are:
1. We've all settled back into school after the half-term break, and after the initial first couple of over-tired evenings (H fell asleep in his tea the first day back!), we've re-found our routine surprisingly easily.
2. I am feeling very cheerful & encouraged after the responses to my fairly desperate blog post about our difficult nights with Baby M. I have had so many replies via my blog, Facebook, Twitter & email, with lots of different ideas and suggestions, that I now feel confident that we can find a solution that will work for us. And the support...just the people who've given virtual hugs or reassurance has picked up my fairly glum, sleep-deprived mood, too. I'm very grateful. x
3. We have a family Halloween/Bonfire Night party this weekend. It's with the outlaws (my husband's family) who I love spending time with, and who, since the twins started school, we haven't managed to see much of. Looking forward to it!
So, come on then, what are your reasons to be cheerful this week?