Thursday, 1 November 2012

Reasons To Be Cheerful

I am joining  in with a new blog hop (new to me, I mean) this week.  

It's called Reasons To Be Cheerful.  It speaks for itself, really.   

Do take a look at the other blogs in the linky, and the reasons for their writers' cheerfulness this week.
I'd like to add that MummyFromTheHeart, who runs this linky, is one of the voices of the ONE Campaign. Inspirational. 

So here we go, my reasons to be cheerful this week are:

1. We've all settled back into school after the half-term break, and after the initial first couple of over-tired evenings (H fell asleep in his tea the first day back!), we've re-found our routine surprisingly easily.

2. I am feeling very cheerful & encouraged after the responses to my fairly desperate blog post about our difficult nights with Baby M.  I have had so many replies via my blog, Facebook, Twitter & email, with lots of different ideas and suggestions, that I now feel confident that we can find a solution that will work for us.  And the support...just the people who've given virtual hugs or reassurance has picked up my fairly glum, sleep-deprived mood, too.  I'm very grateful. x

3. We have a family Halloween/Bonfire Night party this weekend. It's with the outlaws (my husband's family) who I love spending time with, and who, since the twins started school, we haven't managed to see much of.  Looking forward to it!

So, come on then, what are your reasons to be cheerful this week?

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  1. ooh I'm going to try joining in this blog hop. I spotted it a few weeks ago on mummy from the heart but haven't braved it yet. But seeing you do it for the first time, has made me decide to have a go too - if i can figure out how to do all the linky thing, then I am going to join in too! thank you x

    1. It's a lovely linky, a real feel-good one. I enjoyed doing it. I see you've joined in... yay! x

  2. Wonderful reasons to be happy. My first visit to your website so really glad to have found you x

  3. Great reasons. :D I love your blog design, too! :) Have a great week.

    1. Thank you, and thank for the comment about the blog. :-) Hope you have a great week too!

  4. Great reasons, glad you settled back into a routine so well, when my son had his first break from nursery school it was horrendous getting him to go back afterwards!

    1. Hi Emma, thank you. If I'm honest, I was expecting it to be traumatic for us all... I think we got lucky. This time... ;-)

  5. Fab reasons...Love this blog look forward to reading your posts next wk...Have a fab weekend with your family x

    1. Thank Shahnaz... it's a great blog hop isn't it; so glad I joined in! Hope you can manage some time to relax this weekend. x

  6. Have a fabulous weekend and just very pleased to have found your blog.

    1. Thank you Kate! A bit belated, but I hope your weekend was good, and the week is good so far...

  7. The people in the blogsphere can be so supportive. I its great that you are getting some advice. I'm gonna pop over to that post and check it out. I too have challenges with my son sleeping. Have a great week!

    1. I know; I would never have had the energy to think it all through properly & am really glad of the support. Have a great week yourself!

  8. I hope you had a great weekend and isn't it super when people reach out to you during your trying times?

    Mich x

    1. Hi Mich, yes, I'm truly grateful for the help & support. Hope your week is good. x
