I hope everyone has had a good weekend. This is my first Monday Club post; the Monday Club being the creation of TheVoiceOfSarahMiles . Do take a look at the other blogs & blog posts on this link, and thanks Sarah for getting this up and running!
So here's what I have been thinking about today...
When A Baby Becomes A Playmate
There has been a lovely change in the dynamics between
our children over the summer.
This is largely due to the fact that baby M, now toddling
and trying to talk, has also been discovering how to play and interact.

As for now, now is the stage that I love most, so far. Little M is copying her big sister L, and is
pretending to cook in the toy kitchen or learning to feed her dolly. Likewise she is copying her big brother H
and happily pushes cars and trains around the house accompanied
by “brrm brrm” noises. (Yes, I know –
very stereotypical).
Even better, to H & L, is the fact that not only does M
love to play alongside them, she is also learning to take turns, and
(sometimes!) gives a toy on request.
As L and little M played together yesterday, L informed me “I
really like playing with M, Mummy, she’s like my friend now”.
I may well have rose-tinted glasses writing this; there's still wailing, fighting and toy-pinching, and plenty of it....but for now, it's just so lovely to see the baby become a playmate.
My little one is desperate to join in with big brother and sister but as they are 5 and 7 she is more annoying to them than anything else. Such a shame - she fights back though...you are SO right about the toy-stealing!
ReplyDeleteThanks for joining up!
Sarah x
Noo.. thank YOU for creating the Monday Club! Hmmm, the toy-stealing thing, despite this post, is an on-going thing!! ;-) x
DeleteWhat a stage this is, as they all play together. Summer must have been great.
Sophie...thank you. Thank you for your comment, it means a lot. Mostly because summer this year wasn't as planned.. tricky economy and all that... it reminded & reassured me that actually, despite everything, we DID have a good summer. x I hope yours was good too!
Deleteah how lovely..mine are occasionally like this...
Sarah please note my comment "I may well have rose-tinted glasses writing this" - clearly, I wrote it on a good day! ;-) You might want to come back & see what we get up to on a not so good day.... :s