Thursday, 14 February 2013

The MAD Blog Awards

It has come as a big surprise that I have found myself nominated for a MAD Blog Award, in the category of "Best New Blog".

I have heard of the Blog Awards previously, but have always thought them to be for much larger blogs.  I am extremely flattered that someone "out there" has chosen my blog as their favourite new one!

In order to participate in the nominations process, I need to share this news with the people who read my blog, along with details of how to vote.

If you would like to nominate my blog (which is ) - or any other for that matter - for a MAD Blog Award, please visit their website by clicking here, where you will also find details of lots and lots of other blogs to read if that takes your fancy!

Thanks very much.... award or no award, it's always lovely to think that someone, somewhere enjoys reading my wafflings... which makes writing them feel even more special.

MAD Blog Awards

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Bubbles from Ghana... ish!

I'd like to share with you a very special digital postcard that I have not long received.  Had I been more organised, and requested it sooner, it would've winged it's way to me all the way from Ghana.  Hence the "ish" - the photo and postcard was created there, but sent once home.  I feel very honoured, despite my late request, to have been sent the postcard and photo that you can see below.

Recently, an inspirational group of Bloggers (Annie from Mammasaurus, T from MummyBarrow, and Penny from Alexander Residence ) decided not simply to blog or tweet or write on facebook about the amazing causes that Comic Relief supports.  They decided instead, to form #TeamHonk, and to visit one of the many places that needs and benefits from the help of Comic Relief, to see for themselves how vital this work is, and to (through blogging and other social media) raise the profile of those who need support, and all-importantly, help raise money too.

This photo was taken at the Virtuous Women's Bakery in Accra, where women make, bake and sell bread to earn money and make themselves financially independent. This benefits a large number of families including single mothers to support themselves. Here you see Penny blowing bubbles to the children in the adjoining nursery which the mothers themselves set up for their children to play safely whilst they work. They loved bubbles!

This is a digital postcard sent from TeamHonk ( ) during their travels with Comic Relief in Ghana celebrating #goodwork.
For the past 25 years the money raised through Red Nose Day has been changing the lives of the poorest and most disadvantaged people in the UK and Africa. Let’s Keep Up the Good Work. Find out how at
For other digital postcards please do check out the linky on

Thank you ladies, for your postcard and for giving me this opportunity to share the #goodwork that #TeamHonk has been doing. x

Friday, 8 February 2013

3 Years

Sunday is 3 years since our brave and beautiful Angel, Polly, was born forever sleeping. 

We always try to celebrate her special day (known in our house as Polly Day) with the twins, and of course now with little M too.  Nothing spectacular; usually a little day trip and a birthday party tea involving chocolate cake!  Much the same as we would’ve done with Polly, had she been here with us. 

For the children, Polly Day is a special treat and it is, I hope, an opportunity to think about and associate Polly with fun and happiness, as opposed the reality, which is the death of their sister.  For us, it is a chance to surround our pain with happiness and laughter and a reminder of why and how we can carry on despite our broken hearts.
The urge and the need to cuddle her feels painful and I cannot believe it is 3 years since my last cuddle with her.  It feels like many, many years ago…. it also feels just like it was yesterday.  I miss all that she was to us in the short time we knew her; I miss all that she would, could and should  have been.

Fly high and play lots, our beautiful baby Polly. X